Tag: Colourful interiors
The Power of Pink: A Feminine Touch for Designs
No other colour has a stronger effect on the human psyche. It strengthens all positive feelings and calms aggression and violence. Hyperactive people become more balanced and calmer. Put on your “rose-coloured glasses” more often or paint a room in the colours rose or pink.…
Hyatt Centric USA-Philadelphia
The design of room 1133 at the Hyatt Centric encapsulated a contemporary yet inviting aesthetic, inviting guests to indulge in both style and relaxation. #designandtravelguide #interiordesigner #travelguide #digitaltimeout #travelinstyle #vacation #holiday #weekend #trip #roadtrip #design #mindfulness #hotel #restaurant #flexitarian #foodie #recipe #aurum #affordable #lesgrumpies #weibermachensachen…
In dieser Saison stellt Osborne & Little zwei neue schmutzabweisende Stoffkollektionen vor.
Indigo Colour
Mediterranes Indigo und nebliges Blau treffen auf Altrosa, einen Hauch von Smaragd und Kupfer sowie einen Hauch von strahlendem Weiß, um schicke Kontraste zu schaffen.
Designers Guild Gertrude Rose Fuchsia
Die schönsten Stoffe von Designers Guild finden Sie bei Rossi Interiors, Ermatingen.